28 November 2023
Stop the implementation of betting affordability and financial risk checks!
You will have seen recent communications asking you to complete the sport’s petition against the implementation of affordability checks. We have now got to just over 96,000 signatures and really need to make every effort to get to 100,000 if we are to show government how concerned we are about the potentially huge financial impacts that they could have on all businesses within the sport.
We as an industry must be hugely concerned about these affordability checks. Not only is is wrong in principle to expect us to hand over our personal financial details to be told whether we can bet or not, but these checks will also have a detrimental impact on racing's finances and rural communities.
As racing fans, most of you will already have signed this but please do send the attached petition to any of your contacts who would be willing to sign and also share further to support our sport.
Follow this link to sign the petition.
Thanks so much for your support.